Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's Never Over

Class may have ended, but my infatuation with objects seems to be just beginning.

Yesterday, I blew out the back tire on my bicycle twice on glass—once in the morning, and then again in the evening after I had had it fixed. All day, when I thought about my bike, I felt a physical pain, maybe a greater reaction than one should really feel within normal bounds when associating with an object. Although I don't believe that humans are defined by their objects, or that humanity is defined by objects, I do think they say a lot about us, and that is what I'm most interested in.

So, I've decided to rededicate this blog to a study of objects and how they define me, and how they define others around me. I'm not sure exactly how this will develop, but as I've found with my other blogging projects, I do better if I set tangible goals before I start.

I would like to look at the objects that are most important in my life, and the ones that define me in some way, especially in relationship to their design. I'm seeking to answer the question: what does the design of this object, and my expectations for the design, say about who I am as a person? How does the design affect the individual functionality of the object in terms of MY use as an individual user? I hope to also address these questions for others around me, so this isn't all my objects, all the time.

The goal is two objects a week, and maybe some in between things on the glory of objects. Maybe this will lead me to the direction that I'm looking for in this interest. Who knows?

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